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Vpliv gnojenja z izrabljenim gobjim substratom na aktivnost talnih encimov v posameznih letnih časih : magistrsko delo
Ana Štuhec, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Izrabljen substrat za gobe (IGS) je stranski proizvod gojenja gob, ki sestoji iz raznovrstnih organskih materialov. Po nekaj sezonah rabe se substrat izčrpa in praviloma velja za odpadek, vendar sodobne raziskave nakazujejo številne koristne možnosti uporabe izrabljenega gobjega substrata. V projektni raziskavi se je IGS uporabljal kot organsko gnojilo na treh različnih lokacijah v ekološki, integrirani in biodinamični pridelavi paradižnika v rastlinjakih. V vsaki od pridelav se je v triplikatih testiralo gnojenje z SMS, standardno gnojenje (S), SMS+S in kontrola brez gnojenja. V sklopu magistrskega dela smo na obravnavanih lokacijah jemali vzorce zemlje v vseh letnih časih, v vzorcih pa smo analizirali aktivnost encimov N-acetil-glukozaminidaza (NAG), fosfataza (PHOS), beta-glukozidaza (β0GLU), arilsulfataza (ARS), ureaza (URE), arilamidaza (ARN), alkalna fosfataza (PAK) in kisla fosfataza (PAC) po standardu ISO 20130:2018- Kakovost tal - Merjenje encimske aktivnosti v vzorcih tal s kolorimetričnimi substrati na mikrotitrski plošči. Primerjali smo razlike v encimski aktivnosti med posameznimi letnimi časi ter med različnimi načini gnojenja. Rezultati so pokazali, da različni letni časi vplivajo na aktivnost encimov v tleh, medtem ko dodatek gobjega substrata kot gnojila ne povzroči nujno povišanja encimske aktivnosti.
Keywords: talni encimi, izrabljen gobji substrat, aktivnost, gnojenje, kmetijstvo
Published in DKUM: 03.09.2024; Views: 52; Downloads: 35
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Esejistična recepcija slovenske književnosti
Miran Štuhec, 2014, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Slovenska esejistika je od začetkov naprej sledila književnemu dogajanju. Pisala je o posameznih literarnih opusih, književnonazorskih temah, estetskih in kriti{kih vprašanjih, literarni fenomenologiji, idejnih podlagah književnosti itn. Začetke sistematičnega ukvarjanja s slovstvom postavljam v prvo polovico 20. stoletja; kasneje so med pisci vsi pomembni slovenski esejisti.
Keywords: slovenska esejistika, slovenska književnost, književna problematika, literarna fenomenologija
Published in DKUM: 29.07.2024; Views: 89; Downloads: 5
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Clinical pharmacist interventions in ambulatory psychogeriatric patients with excessive polypharmacy
Matej Štuhec, Kaja Zorjan, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Psychogeriatric primary care patients are frequently treated with excessive polypharmacy (≥ 10 medications), leading to complications and increased costs. Such cases are rarely included in treatment guidelines and randomized controlled trials. This paper evaluates the impact of clinical pharmacist medication reviews on the quality of pharmacotherapy in primary care psychogeriatric patients with excessive polypharmacy. The retrospective observational multicentric pre-post study included patients (aged 65 or above) treated with at least one psychotropic and ten or more medications. Clinical pharmacists' recommendations were retrieved from medication review forms for the period 2012-2014. The study outcome measures were the number of medications, potentially inappropriate medications in the elderly (PIMs), potential drug-drug interactions which should be avoided (pXDDIs), and adherence to treatment guidelines. The study included 246 patients receiving 3294 medications, of which 14.6% were psychotropics. The clinical pharmacists proposed 374 interventions in psychopharmacotherapy. The general practitioners accepted 45.2% of them (169). Accepting clinical pharmacist recommendations reduced the total number of medications by 7.5% from 13.4 to 12.4 per patient (p < 0.05), the total number of prescribed PIMs by 21.8% from 312 to 244 (p < 0.05), the number of pXDDIs by 54.9% from 71 to 31 (p < 0.05) and also improved treatment guidelines adherence for antidepressants and antipsychotics (p < 0.05). Clinical pharmacist interventions significantly improved the quality of psychopharmacotherapy by reducing the total number of medications, PIMs, and pXDDIs. Accepting clinical pharmacist interventions led to better treatment guidelines adherence.
Keywords: polypharmacy, elderly patients, clinical pharmacist, medications, drug-drug interactions, psychopharmacotherapy
Published in DKUM: 05.07.2024; Views: 101; Downloads: 9
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Recommendations for wider adoption of clinical pharmacy in Central and Eastern Europe in order to optimise pharmacotherapy and improve patient outcomes
Kamila Urbańczyk, Sonja Guntschnig, Vasilis Antoniadis, Slaven Falamić, Tijana Kovacevic, Marta Kurczewska-Michalak, Branislava Miljković, Anna Olearova, Inese Sviestina, Attila Szucs, Matej Štuhec, 2023, review article

Abstract: Clinical pharmacy as an area of practice, education and research started developing around the 1960s when pharmacists across the globe gradually identified the need to focus more on ensuring the appropriate use of medicines to improve patient outcomes rather than being engaged in manufacturing and supply. Since that time numerous studies have shown the positive impact of clinical pharmacy services (CPS). The need for wider adoption of CPS worldwide becomes urgent, as the global population ages, and the prevalence of polypharmacy as well as shortage of healthcare professionals is rising. At the same time, there is great pressure to provide both high-quality and cost-effective health services. All these challenges urgently require the adoption of a new paradigm of healthcare system architecture. One of the most appropriate answers to these challenges is to increase the utilization of the potential of highly educated and skilled professionals widely available in these countries, i.e., pharmacists, who are well positioned to prevent and manage drug-related problems together with ensuring safe and effective use of medications with further care relating to medication adherence. Unfortunately, CPS are still underdeveloped and underutilized in some parts of Europe, namely, in most of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. This paper reviews current situation of CPS development in CEE countries and the prospects for the future of CPS in that region.
Keywords: clinical pharmacy, cost-effective treatment, drug safety, drug utilization, health policy, medication adherence, medication errors, polypharmacy
Published in DKUM: 27.05.2024; Views: 190; Downloads: 11
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Clinical pharmacy services in mental health in Europe : a commentary paper of the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy Special Interest Group on Mental Health
Matej Štuhec, Martina Hahn, I. Taskova, I. Bayraktar, I. Fitzgerald, L. Molitschnig, A. Tatarević, N. Lindner, L. Agnoletto, Filipa Alves da Costa, 2023, review article

Abstract: A large proportion of the world's disease burden is attributable to mental illnesses. Although effective interventions are available, many patients still have limited access to evidence-based treatments. Aside from access, treatment gaps, including inappropriate medication selection and monitoring, are also routinely recognised. Mental health clinical pharmacists can help address these gaps and enable patients to receive optimised pharmaceutical care, particularly appropriate medication selection and monitoring. The European Society of Clinical Pharmacy (ESCP) Special Interest Group on Mental Health was established to improve standardised service provision in mental health settings across Europe. The Special Interest Group identified significant barriers (predominantly associated with reimbursement and position within the multidisciplinary team) to effective pharmaceutical care amongst those with mental illnesses. This commentary presents recommendations to address these gaps through improved mental health clinical pharmacy service provision.
Keywords: clinical pharmacist interventions, clinical pharmacy in mental health, European society of clinical pharmacy, mental illnesses and pharmacy, pharmaceutical services in mental health, polypharmacy and clinical pharmacy, psychotropics and clinical pharmacy
Published in DKUM: 15.04.2024; Views: 214; Downloads: 4
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Overview of this issue: "clinical pharmacy impacting mental health delivery and outcomes"
Martina Hahn, Matej Štuhec, Filipa Alves da Costa, 2023, preface, editorial, afterword

Keywords: clinical pharmacy, mental health care
Published in DKUM: 15.04.2024; Views: 205; Downloads: 9
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Use of mobile technologies in tourism : natural health resorts study
Boštjan Brumen, Peter Planinc, Tomi Špindler, Mitja Gorenak, Tanja Lešnik Štuhec, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Mobile technologies have drastically changed the way people do everyday activities. Tasks previously reserved for desktop environments have moved to mobile devices, and nowadays, half of the internet traffic is stemming from mobile devices. The tourism industry is no exempt from the shift from desktop to mobile. In our research, we check to what extent natural health resorts have adapted and integrated mobile solutions to their websites. We collected data about the friendliness of selected websites using automated online tools and carried out a heuristic evaluation. The results were statistically analyzed and compared. Only roughly half of natural health resorts have optimized their websites for mobile devices. There are no statistically significant differences when comparing purely technical aspects. However, an in-depth heuristic evaluation has shown that some web sites are significantly more mobile-friendly than others and offer better technical conditions for enhanced user experience. Our study is the first technical and contentual evaluation of website mobile devices' friendliness in the natural health resort sector. It warns management, their marketing consultants, and web site developers about the opportunities they are missing by not supporting mobile users sufficiently. Further, it outlines deficiencies and provides suggestions and instructions for optimizing websites to enhance user-friendliness on mobile devices.
Keywords: mobile technology, mobile device, mobile Internet, health tourism, spa, natural health resort, web page, evaluation, heuristics
Published in DKUM: 26.01.2024; Views: 287; Downloads: 21
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Regijski park Pohorje : rešitev za naravovarstvene in razvojne izzive Pohorja?
Andrej Grmovšek, Nejc Pozvek, Tanja Lešnik Štuhec, 2021, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: turizem, Pohorje, ekologija, razvoj, zeleni turizem
Published in DKUM: 25.01.2024; Views: 320; Downloads: 48
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Zelena pametna podeželska destinacija s certificiranimi gastronomskimi prireditvami po modelu "Izvorno slovensko"
Tanja Lešnik Štuhec, 2021, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: turizem, trajnostni razvoj, podeželski turizem, Praznik kozjanskega jabolka
Published in DKUM: 25.01.2024; Views: 265; Downloads: 35
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Teritorialne kolektivne blagovne znamke : orodja razvoja podeželja v pametne, povezane in inovativne destinacije
Tanja Lešnik Štuhec, Urška Starc Peceny, Nejc Pozvek, 2021, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Domačini in turisti se vse bolj zavedajo vrednot zdravega načina življenja. Iščejo trajnostne, ustvarjalne, družbeno odgovorne prakse in izkušnje na področju nakupovanja hrane, storitev in turističnih proizvodov. Zelena pametna podeželska območja bodo vse pogostejša destinacija za turiste, ki se soočajo z epidemičnimi ukrepi zaradi COVID-19. Trendi kažejo, da si prizadevamo za razpršene, varne, poglobljene, pristne, zelene, vključujoče, izkustvene dogodivščine in rekreacijo v privlačnih naravnih okoljih. Teritorialne kolektivne blagovne znamke so pomembno orodje za razvoj podeželja in verižno povezane ponudnike, ki ponujajo kakovostne izkušnje z lokalno dodano vrednostjo. Destinacijske organizacije kot koordinatorji razvoja in trženja turizma in s tem povezanih dejavnosti odločilno vplivajo na prepoznavnost zelenih destinacij. Učinkovita uporaba novih tehnologij ima pri tem pomembno vlogo, kar smo raziskali tudi v projektu Turizem 4.0-obogatene turistične izkušnje. Celovita ciljna platforma omogoča povezljivost znotraj omrežja, komunikacijo med certificirano dobavno verigo in zbiranje podatkov ter komunikacijo v širokem spletnem okolju potencialnih javnosti, kar omogoča tudi usmerjanje prometa in turističnih tokov. Z rezervacijskim portalom, prodajno in logistično povezavo je mogoče ustvariti po meri izdelano certificirano ponudbo, njeno prodajo, dostavo in učinkovito spremljanje.
Keywords: blagovne znamke, kolektivne blagovne znamke, razvoj podeželja, pametne destinacije, mreženje, dobavne verige, turizem
Published in DKUM: 24.01.2024; Views: 232; Downloads: 11
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