1. Sistem strojne opreme v zanki za razvoj kompleksnih sistemovAleksander Vrbek, 2025, master's thesis Abstract: V magistrskem delu je opisan razvoj tiskanega vezja strojne opreme v zanki katera simulira elektromotor. Razvito tiskano vezje omogoča simulacijo faznih tokov, temperature elektromotorja in pozicije rotorja. Uporabniku omogoča izbiro različnih senzorjev za določanje pozicije rotorja, kot so Sin-Cos, Resolver, SSI in HALL. Komunikacija z računalnikom je omogočena prek povezave CAN. Keywords: vgrajeni sistem, tiskano vezje, sistem strojne opreme v zanki, brezkrtačni motor Published in DKUM: 06.02.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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3. Microbiota in vitro modulated with polyphenols shows decreased colonization resistance against Clostridioides difficile but can neutralize cytotoxicityAleksander Mahnič, Jennifer Auchtung, Nataša Poklar Ulrih, Robert A. Britton, Maja Rupnik, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: While the knowledge on gut microbiota - C. difficile interactions has improved over the years, the understanding of the underlying mechanisms providing colonization resistance as well as preventative measures against the infection remain incomplete. In this study the antibiotic clindamycin and polyphenol extracts from pomegranate and blueberries were used individually and in combination to modulate fecal microbial communities in minibioreactor arrays (MBRA). Modulated communities were inoculated with C. difficile (ribotype 027). Subsequent 7-day periodical monitoring included evaluation of C. difficile growth and activity of toxins TcdA and TcdB as well as analysis of MBRA bacterial community structure (V3V4 16%S metagenomics). Polyphenols affected multiple commensal bacterial groups and showed different synergistic and antagonistic effects in combination with clindamycin. Exposure to either clindamycin or polyphenols led to the loss of colonization resistance against C. difficile. The successful growth of C. difficile was most significantly correlated with the decrease in Collinsella and Lachnospiraceae. Additionally, we demonstrated that Clostridium sporogenes decreased the activity of both C. difficile toxins TcdA and TcdB. The feature was shown to be common among distinct C. sporogenes strains and could potentially be applicable as a non-antibiotic agent for the alleviation of C. difficile infection. Keywords: microbiota in vitro, Clostridioides difficile, resistance, cytotoxicity Published in DKUM: 29.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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4. Fuel conservation for launch vehicles: Falcon Heavy case studyPrimož Jozič, Aleksander Zidanšek, Robert Repnik, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Space exploration has recently been growing at an increasing pace and has caused a significant burden to the environment, in particular, during the launch of rockets, when a large amount of fuel is burned and the exhaust gases are released in the air. For this case study, we selected the SpaceX Falcon Heavy reusable heavy-lift launch vehicle, which is one of the most promising rockets for the low-cost lifting of heavy payloads into orbit and beyond. We evaluated several strategies for optimisation of fuel consumption and for minimisation of environmental impact during launch through the atmosphere for the case of its first launch on February 6, 2018, when the rocket carried a red Tesla Roadster with a "Starman" in the direction toward Mars. In addition to the flight plan and Newtonian equations of motion, we have taken into account the thermodynamic properties of the rocket engines. Results are similar but slightly different if one minimises the total fuel consumption for the desired flight plan or if one minimises the environmental pollution during the initial stage of the launch through the atmosphere. The same methodology can be extended for launches in other directions including the Earth orbit and the Moon. Keywords: fuel conservation, heavy-lift launch vehicles, environmental impact Published in DKUM: 24.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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5. Učinkovitost metod za preprečevanje poškodb tkiva zaradi tlaka v enoti intenzivne terapijeAlbert Aleksander Pravdič, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Uvod: Poškodbe tkiva zaradi tlaka (PTT) predstavljajo pogost neželen dogodek, zlasti na enotah intenzivne terapije. Sedanje smernice za preprečevanje in zdravljenje PTT med drugim vključujejo repozicioniranje bolnikov, uporabo podpornih površin, ki enakomerno porazdelijo težo bolnika, ter uporabo zaščitnih oblog, ki zmanjšajo pritisk na ranljive dele telesa.
Metode: V zaključnem delu smo uporabili opisno metodo pregleda literature. Literaturo smo iskali v petih podatkovnih bazah: PubMed, CINAHL Ultimate (EBSCOhost), MEDLINE (EBSCOhost), Cochrane Library in ScienceDirect. Potek iskanja literature smo prikazali s PRISMA diagramom. Ustrezne rezultate smo nato razporedili glede na hierarhijo dokazov in jih prikazali s pomočjo opisne sintezne in evalvacijske tebele.
Rezultati: V končno analizo smo vključili 14 člankov. Rezultati so pokazali, da sta najzanesljivejši in najučinkovitejši metodi preprečevanja PTT uporaba profilaktičnih oblog in podpornih površin. Pozitivne rezultate so dosegli tudi z uporabo topikalnih pripravkov in uravnavanjem enteralne prehrane.
Razprava in zaključek: Največjo učinkovitost pri preprečevanju PTT odraslih, sprejetih na EIT, imajo profilaktične obloge in uporaba podpornih površin. Za vse vključene metode so potrebne kakovostne nadaljnje raziskave, specifične za to populacijo.
Keywords: poškodba tkiva zaradi tlaka, enota intenzivne terapije, učinkovitost, preprečevanje Published in DKUM: 21.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 20
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6. Corrigendum: Evaluation of human milk microbiota by 16S rRNA gene next-generation sequencing (NGS) and cultivation/MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry identificationPrimož Treven, Aleksander Mahnič, Maja Rupnik, Majda Golob, Tina Pirš, Bojana Bogovič Matijašić, Petra Mohar Lorbeg, 2020, other component parts Keywords: milk microbiota, microbiota assembly, breastfeeding, breast pump, probiotic drops Published in DKUM: 06.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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7. Evaluation of human milk microbiota by 16S rRNA gene next-generation sequencing (NGS) and cultivation/MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry identificationPrimož Treven, Aleksander Mahnič, Maja Rupnik, Majda Golob, Tina Pirš, Bojana Bogovič Matijašić, Petra Mohar Lorbeg, 2019, original scientific article Abstract: The aim of the present study was to characterize human milk microbiota (HMM) with 16S rRNA gene amplicon next-generation sequencing and cultivation/matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI)-time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) identification approaches. We analyzed 31 human milk samples from healthy Slovenian mothers. To check the accuracy of MALDI-TOF MS identification, several colonies representing most abundant genera and those, which could not be reliably identified by MALDI-TOF, were subjected to Sanger sequencing of their 16S rRNA gene. We showed that cultivation/MALDI-TOF MS was a suitable tool for culture-dependent determination of HMM. With both approaches, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus were found as predominant genera in HMM and the abundance of Staphylococcus was associated with decreased microbial diversity. In addition, we characterized factors that might influence HMM. The use of a breast pump was significantly associated with composition of HMM, higher microbial load, and lower abundance of cultivable staphylococci. Moreover, our study suggests that administration of probiotics to the suckling infant might influence HMM by increased abundance of lactobacilli and the presence of viable probiotic bacteria in human milk. However, since our study was observational with relatively small sample size, more targeted studies are needed to study possible transfer of probiotics to the mammary gland via an external route and the physiological relevance of these events. Keywords: milk microbiota, microbiota assembly, breastfeeding, breast pump, probiotic drops Published in DKUM: 27.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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8. Efficient proper embedding of a daisy cubeAleksander Vesel, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: For a set ▫$X$▫ of binary words of length ▫$h$▫ the daisy cube ▫$Q_h(X)$▫ is defined as the subgraph of the hypercube ▫$Q_h$▫ induced by the set of all vertices on shortest paths that connect vertices of ▫$X$▫ with the vertex ▫$0^h$▫. A vertex in the intersection of all of these paths is a minimal vertex of a daisy cube. A graph ▫$G$▫ isomorphic to a daisy cube admits several isometric embeddings into a hypercube. We show that an isometric embedding is proper if and only if the label ▫$0^h$▫ is assigned to a minimal vertex of ▫$G$▫. This result allows us to devise an algorithm which finds a proper embedding of a graph isomorphic to a daisy cube into a hypercube in linear time. Keywords: daisy cube, partial cube, isometric embedding, proper embedding Published in DKUM: 29.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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10. High contamination rates of shoes of veterinarians, veterinary support staff and veterinary students with Clostridioides difficile sporesJoanna Wojtacka, Beata Wysok, Aleksander Kocuvan, Maja Rupnik, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Clostridioides difficile is often found in animals and their environment. However, not much has been reported on veterinary clinics environment in terms of the spore load, prevalence and PCR ribotype diversity. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of C. difficile on shoe soles of veterinarians, veterinary support staff and veterinary students at the Veterinary Faculty campus. Altogether, 50 shoe sole swabs were collected, and the positivity rates ranged from 86.7% in swabs from veterinarians to 100% in swabs from support staff and students. Non-toxigenic and toxigenic strains representing toxinotypes 0, IV and XIX were isolated and distributed into 17 different PCR ribotypes, most common being 010, 014/020, SLO002 and 009. PCR ribotype 010 was the most prevalent and isolated from shoe soles sampled in 6/7 areas. Students' shoes had highest ribotype diversity (15/17 PCR ribotypes) but showed a low overlap with ribotype isolated from vets and support staff shoes. Veterinary students are likely the main vectors of C. difficile spores transmissions among veterinary teaching clinics and the hospital. Keywords: Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile, environment, footwear, One Health, transmission, veterinary clinic Published in DKUM: 22.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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