1. An Analysis of Appraisal in Selected British War Speeches : m. a. thesisLucija Kovačič, 2024, master's thesis Abstract: The thesis analyses two selected war speeches by former British Prime Ministers Winston Churchill and Boris Johnson by using appraisal theory based mainly on the work of James R. Martin and Peter R. R. White. Furthermore, it deals with the history of rhetoric, political oratory and the theory of war speeches. According to the latter, politicians and leaders try to strategically persuade their audiences that armed conflict is necessary to confront the supposed or actual aggressor to preserve sovereignty. ‘Arm Yourselves, and Be Ye Men of Valour’ by Winston Churchill marks a crucial moment in British history. On May 19, 1940, during the Second World War, Churchill addressed the British nation for the first time as Prime Minister. In his speech, he briefly explained the situation at the front, tried to appease the listeners and ensure victory over the aggressor. Contrarily, Boris Johnson’s address to the Ukrainian parliament was the first address by a foreign politician after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Similarly, Johnson ensured a victory for the Ukrainians with the help of the Allied countries. Afterward, he focused on his beliefs and the need to maintain a close relationship with Ukraine. The thesis attempts to quantitatively analyse the interpersonal meanings in speeches according to the categories of the appraisal system, as well as establish and compare the predominant features of British war oratory. Keywords: Rhetoric, Appraisal Theory, British war speeches, Winston Churchill, Boris Johnson Published in DKUM: 03.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2 Full text (2,84 MB) |
2. The language of appraisal in selected TED talks : magistrsko deloSarah Vidmar, 2021, master's thesis Abstract: This master’s thesis examines five selected TED Talks by using Martin and White’s Appraisal Theory (2005). TED Talks are a specific form of speech which has spread worldwide with live TED events and even videos online since the first organised TED event in 1984. The theoretical background of this master’s thesis covers mainly Martin and White’s Appraisal Theory (2005), although it does include the views of other researchers, including Mary Macken-Horarik and Anne Isaac, as well as Geoff Thompson, on appraisal analysis as well. Furthermore, it encompasses a short overview of discourse analysis and systemic functional linguistics, as this is the theoretical framework from which Appraisal Theory has evolved. The empirical part includes the analysis of appraisal in the five selected TED Talks, chosen based on the assigned tag on the official TED web page. The selected TED Talks are: “Why I'm Done Trying to Be ‘Man Enough’” by Justin Baldoni; “Dare to Refuse the Origin Myths That Claim Who You Are” by Chetan Bhatt; “How Changing Your Story Can Change Your Life” by Lori Gottlieb; “My Year of Saying Yes to Everything” by Shonda Rhimes; and “Your Brain Hallucinates Your Conscious Reality” by Anil Seth.
The appraisal model explores the speaker/writer’s evaluation of certain occurrences, concepts and people in a form of his/her emotional responses, judgement and appreciation. Furthermore, it studies the speaker/writer’s positioning to alternative viewpoints and alignment with the text’s point of view. The aim of this thesis is to observe the use of appraisals in a contemporary form of a public speech, i.e. TED Talks. The further objective of this thesis is also to detect typical patterns in appraisal use within the genre of public speaking, specifically, within TED Talks which are known to have a set form and common features that distinguish them from other forms of speeches or academic lectures. Thus, this thesis aims to research ways in which the speakers of the selected TED Talks express themselves with the use of appraisals. Since all but one of the chosen five TED Talks are tagged as ‘Personal Growth’ on the official TED web page, the purpose of the research is also to see whether there are any differences in appraisal use, more specifically in the use of affect between the TED Talks tagged as ‘Personal Growth’ and the one which is not tagged as such and may therefore be more objective in its nature. Besides exploring attitudinal resources, the thesis also observes the occurrence of graduation resources and their prevalence, as well as the ways the speakers engage with their audience and their prevalence.
The appraisal analysis of the selected TED Talks has proved the use of all attitudinal resources in the delivery of these talks. Furthermore, the analysis has shown that the chosen topics of TED Talks have an influence on the speakers’ use of attitudes. Affect has a prominent role in most talks, however, the more the speaker tries to stay unbiased and objective, the more she or he avoids affect in relation to her-/himself and turns to appreciation. In addition, the speakers of the selected TED Talks tend to use graduation heavily in their narrative, force being the predominant graduation resource in all selected talks. Even though the analysis of engagement resources in the selected TED Talks showed the presence of dialogically expansive expressions to be more common in four out of five examined TED Talks, dialogically contractive expressions also occur frequently in the speakers’ narratives, revealing the speakers’ attempt to balance welcoming of alternative viewpoints and at the same time maintain self-assurance in their knowledge and beliefs by restricting other voices. Keywords: Appraisal, TED Talks, Evaluation, Appraisal Analysis, Discourse Analysis Published in DKUM: 20.12.2021; Views: 1352; Downloads: 160 Full text (2,23 MB) |
3. The Language of Appraisals in Articles About Ice HockeyJanja Sterle, 2019, master's thesis Abstract: Media articles, regardless of the media in which they are published (e.g. news, a report, a notification), are generally expected to be characterized by balance and objectivity as one of their most important and identifiable characteristics. However, the results of the analysis show that this is not entirely true for the articles about ice hockey analysed in this thesis. Thus, the presence of a certain degree of subjectivity has been determined. In the thesis, the article was considered objective when the writer wrote about the facts and data that could be checked and did not reveal his/her emotions, presence or opinion. At the same time, the article was considered subjective when the writer was present in the article in a way that s/he revealed his/her emotions or s/he evaluated what was going on and/or the hockey players. For the analysis, the appraisal model developed in 2005 by Martin and White was used because it turned out to be the most useful as their appraisal categories (graduation, engagement, and attitude) cover all lexical choices, with which one shows his/her attitude or engagement or graduates something. Appraisal can be a single word or a phrase that indirectly/implicitly or directly/explicitly expresses one’s opinion, judgement, or engagement. According to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE), appraisal is “a statement or opinion judging the worth, value, or condition of something” (https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/appraisal), while the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD, 8th Edition) defines it as “a judgement of the value, performance or nature of sb/sth” (OALD 2010: 62). The analysis of the articles was carried out with Computer Assisted Text Markup and Analysis (CATMA) platform. Objectives of the thesis were to research the differences in the use of appraisals in the articles that describe the same event, i.e. the ice hockey match. Thus, it was researched how the author’s presence and engagement were reflected through appraisal, and how much of subjectivity was present in the articles that were supposed to be objective. Next, I was interested in how the writer is positioned in the articles which report about the winning team, and how in the articles reporting about the losing team. Finally, it was researched which types of appraisal were used in three articles which report about the same match and were published on the official web sites of Los Angeles Kings and Colorado Avalanche, and in the article that was published in a neutral web media FOX Sports. The results showed that the articles that were published on the official web sites of the teams tended to be more subjective as numerous instances of the writer’s presence and engagement were found. On the other hand, the article from the neutral web site turned out to be the most objective and unbiased, even though some instances of the writer’s presence and engagement were found as well. Keywords: appraisal system, appraisals, ice hockey, graduation, engagement, attitude. Published in DKUM: 06.06.2019; Views: 1676; Downloads: 99 Full text (2,56 MB) |
4. Analiza jezika vrednotenja v Živalski farmi Georgea OrwellaSabina Žel, 2017, master's thesis Abstract: Številne priprave so potrebne za izdelavo učnega načrta, katerega tema so umetnostne knjige, ki se pojavijo pri maturi iz angleščine. Knjige se zamenjajo vsakih nekaj let in zato morajo učitelji s svojimi izkušnjami predvidevati kakšne značilnosti bodo pomembne za pripravo na maturo. Cilji te magistrske naloge so bili analiza uporabe jezika vrednotenja v literarnem delu, ki je del maturitetnega izpita, in ugotoviti, ali je ta zvrst dela primerna za ugotovitev pomembnih značilnosti, ki jih bodo učenci morali poznati pri svojih pripravah na maturo, ter predstavitev mogoče nepoznanega modela za analizo besedil. Teoretični del magistrske naloge razloži teorijo, ki sta jo J. R. Martin in P. R. R. White (2005) uporabila za razvoj svoje teorije jezika vrednotenja. Teorija jezika vrednotenja se deli na odnos (čustva, etika in estetika), vključenost (avtorjevo stališče) in stopnjevanje odnosov (več stopenj pozitivnosti in negativnosti odnosov). S pomočjo teh kategorij je bila narejena analiza knjige v empiričnem delu naloge.
Za analizo je bila izbrana Živalska farma Georgea Orwella (2000). Zanimivo politično ozadje knjige, ki je povezano z njeno zgodbo in njen satiričen ton doprineseta k zanimivosti zgodbe, ki se odvija v knjigi. Vendar je zato analiza tudi veliko bolj zahtevna. Model jezika vrednotenja je bil uporabljen za ugotovitve pomembnih značilnosti glede likov, odnosov, dogodkov in tem, ki prispevajo k razumevanju zgodbe ter njenega satiričnega tona. Večinoma je kontekst določene situacije ali knjige bil ključen pri prepoznavanju značilnosti, ki jih je avtor knjige hotel sporočiti bralcu. Analiza je pokazala, da je s pomočjo modela jezika vrednotenja možno ugotoviti pomembne značilnosti knjige in nakazati, kje se le-te kažejo Ta pristop je tako lahko koristen pri pripravah za maturo, saj se od učencev pričakuje, da svoje trditve podkrepijo z dokazi. Keywords: jezik vrednotenja, Živalska farma, sistemska funkcionalna slovnica, George Orwell. Published in DKUM: 23.10.2017; Views: 1821; Downloads: 302 Full text (1,11 MB) |
5. Developing academic vocabulary with AWL gapmaker and corpus dataAgata Križan, 2009, original scientific article Abstract: There is a growing need for the development of at least some academic vocabulary in students of EFL (studying English for teaching and non-teaching purposes), if one of the main aims of EFL study is to produce competent users of English. Students are expected to read and understand advanced professional texts, not simply to successfully complete their degrees but to become a part of educated society, and to be able to meet the demands placed upon their knowledge in a prefessional environment. The reading and understanding of professional texts can be a highly demanding activity because of the number of academic and professional terms such texts include. This paper exemplifies the usefulness of a gap-fill exercise, as one among a range of options for developing and testing academic vocabulary in a professional context. The exercise was compiled with AWL gapmaker based on a professional review text, which includes academic items of vocabulary. The gap-fill exercise was used with two groups of EFL students in the same year of study and installed at two difficulty levels for two reasons: to test students' existing knowledge of academic vocabulary, and to enrich it through the analysis of words in context/co-text relation using a concordancing program. The paper compares the answers of both groups to determine the most problematic entries (incorrect answers), and to provide the possible reasons for them. Further, contextual clues are taken into consideration as a helpful source for determining correct entries, and tested with the concordancing program. Besides the emphasis on the usefulness of such gap-fill exercises combined with corpus for the development and enrichment of academic vocabulary, the paper also emphasizes the importance of guiding students in how to search for different grammatical and other contextual clues to make correct inferences, and how to use concordances to support or reject the claims. Keywords: English, foreign languages, scientific language, scientific vocabulary, academic vocabulary, corpus linguistics, academic teaching, didactics Published in DKUM: 18.05.2017; Views: 1942; Downloads: 399 Full text (788,40 KB) This document has many files! More... |
6. The language of appraisal in British advertisements : the construal of attitudinal judgementAgata Križan, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: The article explores the occurrence and frequency of use of attitudinal judgement in British advertisement texts. Judgement, as one of the main attitudinal categories in the discourse-semantic appraisal model (Martin and White 2005), is concerned with the evaluation of human character and behaviour. The article focuses on the judgement categories of capability and propriety, as the research described concludes that they are the most frequently occurring of the judgement categories. Some typical instances encoding capability and propriety are discussed in terms of explicit and implicit manifestation. The article demonstrates that capability and propriety often participate in attitudinal double-coding due to the brevity of advertising texts and the creativity of advertising language. Capability and propriety are strongly socially motivated: they impose values upon the potential consumer, and hence upon society, and through them create social roles for the participants in the advertising interaction. Keywords: advertisements, interpersonal meaning, appraisal, judgement, capability, propriety, attitudinal double-coding Published in DKUM: 16.05.2017; Views: 1135; Downloads: 205 Full text (386,30 KB) This document has many files! More... |
7. The language in British and Slovene football anthemsAgata Križan, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: Football is probably the world's most popular game, with a huge number of fans. There are numerous ways in which football fans express dedication to their club and the feelings they have for their team, for example, wearing certain colours, waving banners and flags, and singing. Football anthems are nothing new for football fans, and many clubs have a long-established tradition of them. In this paper, I will address and compare the language in some popular British and Slovene football anthems, and attempt to explain its contribution to the creation of fan identity, to the fans' sense of belonging, unity, and motivation. The linguistic analysis identities the linguistic resources used in football anthems to express attitudes, form bonds and create identities. Keywords: attitudes, football anthems, linguistic analyses, linguistic resources, identity Published in DKUM: 16.05.2017; Views: 1199; Downloads: 388 Full text (171,54 KB) This document has many files! More... |
8. DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF ADVERTISEMENTS IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRYAndreja Ferk, 2016, undergraduate thesis Abstract: The language of automotive advertising has to be effective, special, innovative and creative. Advertisers use convincing language to awake the desire to buy the advertised product. In advertisements both language with the emotive power and visual components make an impact on the consumer.
Theoretical foundation of this work consists of two literary sources. The first one is a work written by Guy Cook: The Discourse of Advertising, which provides some insight in advertising as discourse. The second work is Martin and White’s Language of Evaluation, Appraisal in English which contributed to the theoretical explanation of evaluative language.
The empirical part investigates advertising as discourse, different elements of context and the language of advertisements through appraisal framework. Keywords: advertising, discourse of advertising, language of evaluation, appraisal Published in DKUM: 25.10.2016; Views: 1849; Downloads: 123 Full text (915,59 KB) |
9. JEZIK BRITANSKIH REKLAMNIH OGLASOV: DRUŽBENI IN KULTURNI VIDIKI MODELA JEZIKA VREDNOTENJAgata Križan, 2015, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Reklamni oglasi so sestavni in nepogrešljiv del družbe. Kot medijska besedila, ki naslavljajo množice, imajo velik vpliv na družbo. S tem, ko vstopajo v zasebni svet potencialnega potrošnika, tudi odsevajo in predpisujejo vrednote in norme skozi jezik, ki ga uporabljajo, ne samo obveščajo, kaj je novega na tržišču. Cilj te doktorske disertacije je raziskati in opisati pojavnost in rabo jezika vrednotenj v britanskih reklamnih oglasih, ki naslavljajo predvsem ženske, in njegov družbeni učinek s pomočjo modela jezika vrednotenj, ki sta ga razvila Martin in White (2005), kot analitičnega sredstva. Jezik vrednotenj je eden od treh diskurzno-semantičnih virov, ki ustvarjajo medosebne pomene. Razdeljen je na tri kategorije/sisteme – odnos, stopnjevanje odnosov in vključenost. Odnos zajema vire za izražanje čustev, za vrednotenje obnašanja (za izražanje sodb) in vire za vrednotenje stvari. Odnosi so lahko izraženi neposredno in posredno, imajo pozitiven ali negativen status ter so lahko stopnjevani. Pri vključenosti gre za vire v izjavah, s katerimi avtorji/pisci (besedilni glasovi) izrazijo svoj položaj do drugih trditev in mnenj v smislu sprejemanja ali zavračanja oziroma dopuščanja in nedopuščanja alternativnih mnenj (glasov). Glavni cilj disertacije je prepoznati in analizirati vse neposredne in posredne odnose, njihove tarče in status v njih, načine stopnjevanja odnosov, načine vključenosti, leksikalno-slovnične izvršitelje neposrednih odnosov ter vire izjav v vsakem reklamnem oglasu. Analitični del disertacije zajema kvantitativno in kvalitativno raziskovalno metodo. Izračunani so povprečni deleži posameznih kategorij jezika vrednotenj in njihovih podkategorij, tarč odnosov, pozitivnega in negativnega statusa v odnosih ter leksikalno-slovničnih izvršiteljev neposrednih odnosov za 200 reklamnih oglasov na osnovi predhodno pridobljenih podatkov za vsak reklamni oglas posebej, čemur sledijo interpretacija rezultatov, opis in razlaga o značilnostih in posebnostih izbranega jezika vrednotenj. To daje vpogled v pogostnost pojavljanja jezika vrednotenj, njegovo manifestacijo in preference pri izboru jezika vrednotenj kot tudi vpogled v sistem vrednot. Raziskava je narejena znotraj teoretičnega okvira sistemskega funkcijskega jezikoslovja, ki opisuje jezik kot družbeno prakso, pri čemer je jezikovni izbor odvisen od funkcij, ki jih človek/besedilo želi izpolniti. Na ta način igra kontekst pomembno vlogo pri analizi jezika in torej pri analizi jezika vrednotenj. Z upoštevanjem sobesedila, konteksta in kreativnega jezika (npr. izpusti, kratki stavki, besedne igre, metafore) reklamnih oglasov disertacija prikaže tudi nekatere pomembne načine prepoznavanja odnosov in tarč ter posledično vrednot z osredotočanjem na druge lingvistične in druge vire kot tudi na vzajemno delovanje kategorij znotraj jezika vrednotenj in njihovo povezavo z drugimi elementi. Disertacija prav tako osvetli nekatere pomembne pragmatične namene rabe stopnjevanja in vključenosti. Keywords: jezik vrednotenj, britanski reklamni oglasi, semantično-diskurzni vir, odnos, stopnjevanje, vključenost, družbeni učinek Published in DKUM: 29.08.2016; Views: 1754; Downloads: 144 Full text (3,27 MB) |
10. Akreditacija dvopredmetnega pedagoškega študijskega programa druge stopnje Poučevanje angleščine : vloga za pridobitev soglasja k dvopredmetnemu pedagoškemu študijskemu programu druge stopnje Poučevanje angleščine Filozofske fakultete Univerze v MariboruMelita Kukovec, Slavko Cvetek, Michelle Gadpaille, Kirsten Hempkin, Dunja Jutronić, Klementina Penelope Jurančič, Victor Kennedy, Agata Križan, Barbara Majcenovič Kline, Tomaž Onič, Katja Plemenitaš, Nada Šabec, 2011, treatise, preliminary study, study Keywords: študijski programi, podiplomski študij, Maribor, pouk angleščine Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1419; Downloads: 54 Link to full text |