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Reprezentacija spola pri oglaševanju v izbranih katalogih igrač
Živa Rizmal, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo obravnava reprezentacije dečkov in deklic v katalogih igrač Baby Center, izdanih med letoma 2010 in 2020. Igrače in njihovo oglaševanje predstavljajo pomemben vidik spolne socializacije, saj na otroke prenašajo družbene norme, vrednote in ideologije, vezane na spol. Namen zaključnega dela je bil raziskati, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način so reprezentacije dečkov in deklic v izbranih katalogih igrač spolno (stereo)tipizirane in ali je v obdobju desetih let že prišlo do kakšnega premika k bolj spolno nevtralnemu oglaševanju igrač. Izvedli smo kvalitativno in kvantitativno analizo fotografij otrok. Izsledki raziskave kažejo, da so reprezentacije otrok v izbranih katalogih igrač večinsko spolno (stereo)tipizirane. Skladno s pričakovanji se dečki najpogosteje pojavljajo s stereotipnimi moškimi igračami, deklice pa s stereotipnimi ženskimi igračami. Raziskava je pokazala, da obstajajo manjši premiki k spolno nevtralnemu oglaševanju igrač, vendar da je še vedno veliko več spolno (stereo)tipiziranih kot spolno nevtralnih oglasov. Reprezentacije dečkov in deklic, ki potencialno razbijajo spolne stereotipe, smo večinoma našli v katalogih, izdanih med letoma 2015 in 2020. V prihodnje bi bilo smiselno spodbuditi oglaševalce, da dajo večjo vlogo spolno nevtralnim oglasom igrač.
Keywords: oglaševanje igrač, spol, spolni stereotipi, spolna socializacija, reprezentacije
Published in DKUM: 12.10.2021; Views: 1172; Downloads: 228
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Euphemisms in the TV Series Grey’s Anatomy and House M.D.: Analysis of Selected Episodes
Živa Rizmal, 2021, master's thesis

Abstract: The master’s thesis examines euphemisms in broadcast media: two American medical TV series – Grey’s Anatomy and House M.D. The main purpose of this thesis was to examine the use of euphemistic vocabulary in TV dialogue. By examining euphemistic words and phrases in selected episodes, we sought to provide insight into current euphemism use. Euphemistic references used in the TV series reflect social attitudes towards the concepts hidden behind euphemisms. We have identified 92 different euphemisms, which appeared 182 times altogether. The relatively frequent use of euphemisms in the TV series corpus may be attributed to the sensitive or taboo topics discussed (e.g., death, bodily functions, body parts, diseases, and sex). The analysis showed that most euphemisms found in the TV series corpus are sex related. Moreover, there are not many examples where euphemisms are used as a form of doublespeak or political correctness. The results suggest that TV scriptwriters employ euphemisms in their scripts for various reasons at both levels – that of the characters and that of the viewers. The analysed euphemisms most commonly fulfil the protective function at both levels, which means they are used to shield the listener from unpleasant words and avoid offense. A wide variety of euphemism formation types is used in the selected episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and House M.D. – most notably implication, metaphor, and particularisation. Furthermore, we analysed gender differences in the frequency of euphemism use in the TV series. The results showed that in the TV series corpus, male characters employ more euphemisms than female characters.
Keywords: euphemisms, TV series, taboo topics, linguistic analysis
Published in DKUM: 01.10.2021; Views: 1296; Downloads: 135
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