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Importance of innovativeness in the selected company and the introduction of standards as the tools
Žiga Lesjak, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: The master’s thesis provides a comprehensive investigation into the interplay of innovation management theory and standardization theory, with a particular emphasis on the ISO 9001 standard. The study is situated within the context of a technology enterprise, company X, offering an in-depth examination of the role of ISO 9001 standard implementation in enhancing the innovativeness and effectiveness of the company's marketing processes. It emphasises the transformative impacts of ISO 9001 standardization, including improved customer focus, process standardization, increased transparency, heightened team engagement, and enhanced risk management. The main purpose of this research is to demonstrate the successful integration of innovation theory with standardization, using company X as a model of best practice. The research further examines the transformation of the company's operations before and after the ISO 9001 standard implementation, highlighting a shift towards a more structured, customer-centric, and risk-aware approach to innovation. Lastly, an action plan to increase the innovative capacity of company X, aligned with ISO 9001 standards, is proposed.
Keywords: innovativeness, innovation, standardization, standard, ISO 9001
Published in DKUM: 19.04.2024; Views: 232; Downloads: 12
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Strateško načrtovanje marketinga za izdelek x
Žiga Lesjak, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Na vse bolj konkurenčnem trgu podjetja ne morejo preživeti, če svoje delo opravljajo zgolj dobro. Iskati morajo poslovne priložnosti in težiti k cilju – biti boljši od neposrednega konkurenta. Prav zato je dobro poznavanje strateškega marketinga ključ do uspeha. V teoretičnem delu je obravnavan proces strateškega marketinga po posameznih fazah: strateška analiza in diagnoza, strateško načrtovanje marketinga ter izvajanje in nadzor strateškega marketinga. V praktičnem delu smo izdelali empirično raziskavo – marketinški načrt za zanimivo podjetje z inovativnim izdelkom. Podjetje Serena s svojo blagovno znamko Cocoa trži čokolado visoke kakovosti, ki se ji zaradi prihodnjih značilnosti trga obeta možnost uspeha. V sklepnem delu so predstavljene ugotovitve, ki lahko kasneje služijo kot izhodišče za izboljšave znotraj izbranega podjetja.
Keywords: strateški marketing, strateško načrtovanje marketinga, izdelek, čokolada.
Published in DKUM: 18.12.2019; Views: 1556; Downloads: 200
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