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Usage of agile SCRUM methodology on configuration management application
Željko Stanojević, 2017, master's thesis/paper

Abstract: The purpose of the master thesis is to research and determine how to successfully manage a project using agile methodology Scrum. Scrum methodology will be used to improve the functionality of existing internally developed software solutions. Scrum, being an agile methodology, is an alternative approach to the traditional waterfall methodology, and is typically used in software development. Agile methodologies help teams respond to a project’s unpredictability by using incremental, iterative way of work known as sprints. The first part of the master’s thesis presents a problem, defines goals and methods used, and the necessary tools required to achieve the objectives. The following part of the thesis presents the foundations of agile methodologies and describes the used methodology – Scrum - in detail. In the practical part, the thesis presents the existing software solution and opportunities for its improvement. We use Scrum for upgrading existing application, including all the attributes of the mentioned methodology, from team design to artifacts and events. The thesis also presents a renewed application in detail. In conclusion, by using the SWOT analysis we observe suitability for use of the Scrum methodology in the case of renewal of application and propose further changes to improve the application.
Keywords: Project Management, Software Development, Agile Project Management, Scrum Implementation, Agile Methodologies
Published in DKUM: 28.06.2017; Views: 1612; Downloads: 135
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Željko Stanojević, 2012, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Spletno oglaševanje oz. spletni marketing je danes najbolj učinkovit način promocije podjetij, dejavnosti, storitev. Spletno oglaševanje je cenovno najugodnejše glede na vsa ostala, kot je recimo po radiju, televiziji ali tisku. Z vsakim dnem, ko smo brez spletne strani, izgubljamo potencialne stranke. Naša spletna stran mora postati ogledalo našega podjetja, podoba, ki jo vidi obiskovalec, ga mora prepričati, da smo ravno mi najboljša izbira za nakup izdelka ali storitve, ki jo išče. Spletna stran Blejske e-konference je na pogled zastarela in ni ustrezna glede na podobo, ki bi jo kot vodilna konferenca na temo e-poslovanja v svetovnem merilu morala predstavljati. V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali problem prenove spletne strani Blejske e-konference. Naročnik naloge je Falkulteta za organizacijske vede Univerze v Mariboru. Problema smo se lotili tako, da smo najprej analizirali obstoječe stranje, preučili sorodne spletne strani ter naredili načrt novega spletnega mesta. Pri tem smo upoštevali zahteve, ki jih je postavil naročnik ter smernice sodobnega oblikovanja spletnih strani. Prenove smo se lotili s pomočjo odprtokodnega sistema za urejanje spletnih vsebin CMS Drupal. Rezultat naloge je predlog nove spletne strani, implementirane v sistemu za urejanje vsebin Drupal.
Keywords: spletno oblikovanje, spletna stran, sistem za upravljanje s spletno vsebino, drupal, blejska e-konferenca
Published in DKUM: 02.10.2012; Views: 1990; Downloads: 168
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